Touch ignites emotions. Gentle touch in particular has an endearing, holistic effect on us. It is able to calm and relax, to spend comfort and convey closeness. The earrings of the momentum series set a symbol against physical desensitisation caused by sensory overload. They stand for feeling and sensitivity, as a reminder to perceive consciously again. The delicacy is reflected in the soft structures on the earrings. Just as every perception is individual, no two surfaces are alike. A surprisingly light wearing experience and the caressing of the sensitive neck gently sensitise.
Touch ignites emotions. Gentle touch in particular has an endearing, holistic effect on us. It is able to calm and relax, to spend comfort and convey closeness. The earrings of the momentum series set a symbol against physical desensitisation caused by sensory overload. They stand for feeling and sensitivity, as a reminder to perceive consciously again. The delicacy is reflected in the soft structures on the earrings. Just as every perception is individual, no two surfaces are alike. A surprisingly light wearing experience and the caressing of the sensitive neck gently sensitise.